Avoiding the Holiday Blues

Avoiding the Holiday Blues

Surprising numbers of surveyed people quietly admit that the holidays are a source of stress, anxiety and depression. In fact, it is 64% and 8% higher for Gen Z. The difference between Holiday Blues and clinical anxiety and depression is the the Holiday Blues are...
Keep the Sun Fun

Keep the Sun Fun

  One of the most important things to pack for summer fun or outdoor work is sunscreen! But not all sunscreens are created equal. Understanding both what to buy and how to use sunscreen is critical to staying safe under summer skies. There are two types of...
Understanding Homeowners and Renters Insurance

Understanding Homeowners and Renters Insurance

Whether your own (or are paying to own) your home or are renting your place of residence, you will need home insurance. The most common things that these policies include are: Coverage for your dwelling should you have to repair or replace the structure itself...
Automobile Insurance

Automobile Insurance

Cars, trucks, Hybrids, Motorcycles – any vehicle that is licensed to drive on the streets – is required to have insurance. While everyone knows that the insurance is designed to help pay for repairs to your own vehicle after an accident in which you were found to be...
How We Work With HR Departments

How We Work With HR Departments

The search for insurance solutions for companies starts with finding the most comprehensive and cost-beneficial plans. Beyond that, it is also about finding a partner that will take on the labor intensive work of enrolling employees and dependents, orienting new team...