Surprising numbers of surveyed people quietly admit that the holidays are a source of stress, anxiety and depression. In fact, it is 64% and 8% higher for Gen Z. The difference between Holiday Blues and clinical anxiety and depression is the the Holiday Blues are temporary. But it does not mean that it is less serious while someone is experiencing the symptoms. Holiday Blues can also become more serious if steps aren’t taken to address them.
Finding strategies for avoiding the Holiday Blues has to begin with understanding what they are and what drives them.
Over commercialization, unrealistic expectations, financial realities and family dynamics and memories of seasons past are just some of the reasons that people quietly report in surveys that the holidays are not as joyous as the commercials would have us believe.
Some signs that you may have Holiday Blues are:
- Fatigue
- Feelings of Frustration
- Feeling Tense
- Feeling Lonely
- Feeling Sad
- A Sense of Loss
Here are some tips to help you pace yourself through the holiday and find joy in unexpected places:
- Don’t overcommit and let/ask others to help with meal prep, decorations, cleaning up, shopping and gift wrapping.
- As much as possible, keep your daily routine normal.
- Plan and schedule “me” time with things that allow you to de-stress and rest – movie night, long walk, read a book, plan to binge watch a show you’ve missed seeing.
- Plan time with some friends for the holidays – especially if family is not around.
- Get some exercise – if it only a short walk in the neighborhood.
- Plan healthy meals and don’t overindulge in food or drinks.