Stress carries a staggering cost to business of stress-related illnesses, accidents, absenteeism, lower productivity and even employee turnover. April is national Stress Awareness month in the United States. It is a good idea to take a look at the implications of Stress on workplaces and on the individuals reporting that they sense the symptoms of stress.

Employers Play an Important Role In Reducing Stress

Employers are well served to assure that chronic stress is addressed within the workforce AND their dependents. Learning positive coping strategies should be everyone’s goal. Developing a healthy diet and making daily exercise a priority is one of the most successful strategies for lowering adrenaline and cortisol. Incorporating relaxation techniques also decrease the fight or flight hormones. Encouraging laughter and healthy relationships with co-workers is shown to reduce chronic stress. Setting boundaries for work time and personal time leads to high overall productivity. Encouraging people to take regular breaks and to use their PTO time is another stress reducer.

For help with your business insurance offerings we are happy to meet with you!