Health Insurance Shopping for Your Business

Health Insurance Shopping for Your Business

The process of selecting health insurance benefits for a Human Resource Director or a Board of Directors for a business carries the competing responsibilities of doing what could be the most comprehensive plans for employees and their dependents and the reality of the...
The Importance of Optional Vision Benefits

The Importance of Optional Vision Benefits

Employers have a vital role in eye health by offering their staff option benefits for staff and their dependents. About 60% of all Americans wear contacts or glasses! And that is expected to grow. Vision changes with age, lack of exercise, exposure to blue lights from...
Peanut Butter Corn Flake Cookies

Peanut Butter Corn Flake Cookies

Peanut Butter Corn Flake Cookies It’s that time of the year when kids head back to school. It may have been a while since you were a student, but you can recapture one of everyone’s favorite cafeteria memories with a recipe for Peanut Butter Corn Flake...
Calculate Potential Costs

Calculate Potential Costs

Calculate Potential Out-of-Pocket Costs It’s frightening to think how devastating an illness or injury could be to your family’s stability. In addition to the obvious health concerns, there’s the potential for an immediate financial crisis with the...