Navigating among us are unsung warriors who each and every day are battling cancer. They join 16.9 million Americans who are cancer survivors. Tucked between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is a special celebration that happens on the first Sunday in June – June 7, 2020.
On this day, we take a moment to celebrate those who have survived their cancer diagnosis and are living each day with hope and inspiring stories of bravery and strength.
This year, National Cancer Survivors Day® happens June 7. It is a time to celebrate a triumph of the milestones reached toward finding health, to the supporting roles of families and friends who have done much of the heavy lifting of care giving and it recognizes those who provide the care, the plans for care, the research and even the legislation that supports those whose lives were upended with a diagnosis of cancer.
In an astounding show of solidarity and love, the entire world joined together to shelter in place to protect those among us whose immune systems are compromised or whose health status makes them more vulnerable to the ravages of COVID19. So, for this year, every one of us who has committed to “safer at home” efforts, who continue to wear our masks as we move about and who respect the need to social distance are, in many ways celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day® each and every day.
But it is still important that we lift up those who are the survivors, those still battling and their families in recognition that there is that war going on and, as a global community, we know there is hope on the other side of it.
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