Great American Smokeout!

The third Thursday of every November is the Great American Smokeout sponsored by the American Cancer Society. On Nov. 21, 2019, the challenge for all smokers (including Vapers) to spend a day smoke free. Just 24 hours. This year there are special needs to highlight the Smokeout at workplaces and in college campuses and, unfortunately, our middle and high schools after the surge in Vaping.

Today in the United States, about 1 in 5 adults continue to smoke and about 1 in 5 of all deaths in the United States are related to smoking habits.

So for those who are going to help sponsor a Great American Smokeout at your workplace, school or home, here are some things you can do to help smokers lay it down for a day:

  • Get rid of the triggers like ashtrays, clothing or other things that smell of smoke
  • Encourage smokers to get exercise during the day instead of smoking
  • Change the smoker’s habits that are associated with smoking – like when and where breaktime happens and what takes place during the break
  • Celebrate successes and don’t scold any failures
  • Have plenty of water bottles handy as a drink of water can change the need to smoke
  • Have special pencils to hold in lieu of cigarettes or juuls.
  • Have some snacks ready – Red Hot candy is a suggestion. Cinnamon helps kill the desire for a cigarette
  • Get a bunch of toothbrushes and cinnamon toothpaste and encourage smokers to brush their teeth instead of lighting up.

The Great American Smokeout has tons of suggestions for homes, workplaces and schools to make the 2019 Great American Smokeout a success – one smoker at a time! And we have health plans that include smoking cessation care!

Special Note for Employers…

While we all hope that everyone will take advantage of The Great American Smokeout on November 21st Or that smokers will find ways to pick their own date to stop the habit, we know that our statistics in Tennessee, are that we are significantly above the national average in numbers of adult and teen smokers and are at the national average for kids who smoke Juuls. The cost in smoking-related healthcare dollars is $2.67 billion every year. The reality is that if you’re an employer, adding Cancer Insurance policies and/or Income Replacement Insurance plans to your optional benefits for employees is a way to help provide financial stability during a time of incredible emotional stress. We’ll be glad to come for a free seminar and even meet your employees one-on-one at a time convenient for them and for you to discuss their needs.