Knowing the Symptoms Saves Lives!

12% of all new cancers, and 25% of all new cancers in women are breast cancer. As we enter October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is a good time to remind ourselves that men get breast cancer also. And it is the perfect time to review the symptoms of the most common types of breast cancer.

Before we get to the list, it is important to point out that not always do these symptoms result in a breast cancer diagnosis, but it is time to get a health care professional’s opinion if these symptoms develop.

It is also time to pull out the calendar to schedule your annual Mammogram – the best tool we have for saving lives when it comes to breast cancer.


  • a breast lump or tissue thickening that feels different than surrounding tissue and has developed recently
  • breast pain
  • red, pitted skin over your entire breast
  • swelling in all or part of your breast
  • a nipple discharge other than breast milk
  • bloody discharge from your nipple
  • peeling, scaling, or flaking of skin on your nipple or breast
  • a sudden, unexplained change in the shape or size of your breast
  • inverted nipple
  • changes to the appearance of the skin on your breasts
  • a lump or swelling under your arm

It is also important to know that there are many costs for cancer care that are not covered by health insurance. And treatment for this (and any cancer) frequently requires time away from work beyond your PTO days.  During open enrollment at work it is a smart idea to add Cancer Insurance coverage to your healthcare benefits and to inquire about adding Income Replacement Insurance so that if you need extra days or need income support, you will not have to worry about anything except getting well! We can help!