For businesses on a fiscal year that begins January 1, it is important to take a hard look now at what your benefit package is going to include for 2020 and to ensure that you are giving your employees the most cost beneficial plan that carries the biggest bang for the money you are spending.
PBSllc is ready to help you review what you have offered in the past year and to investigate whether it is the most comprehensive plan you can provide for the actual employee mix that you have.
One of the most important benefits employers can offer as part of the the optional plan is Income Replacement Insurance. These are the most cost-beneficial ways that employees can create financial stability in the face of terrible stress and potentially destabilizing financial crisis.
At PBSllc, we will partner with you to offer the enrollment information, seminars and individual meetings with your staff to help them enroll in the policies that make the most sense for their individual circumstances.
Give us a call at 931-363-5307. We can help!
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