More than 9 in every ten of people with Kidney disease do not know they have a problem!
A healthy diet, regular exercise and weight management are the surest ways to promote kidney health, but there are factors that are not within your control that can impact kidney health.
Kidneys are the most fragile of our vital organs. Age, being over the age of 60, is one risk factor, along with diabetes, high blood pressure and a family history.
Kidney warning signals include:
- Puffiness around the eyes
- Difficult or even painful Urination
- Foamy Urine
- Thirst
- Swelling in the face, ankles, feet, hands or belly
- Fatigue
Routine visits to your primary provider do not always include an evaluation of your kidney health. To assure that your provider is able to diagnose any kidney issues early, there are three questions to ask at your appointment time:
- Have I been tested for Kidney Disease and How are my Kidneys?
- How often should my Kidneys be checked (based on your family history and your health status)?
- What steps can I take to lower my risk factors? This will examine lifestyle.
The sooner Kidney disease is detected and treatment begins, the more likely it is that further damage can be mitigated.
None of us can change our family history or our ages, but we can take steps to lower our blood pressure and lessen our risks for Type 2 Diabetes.
Tests for Kidney disease involve a test of urine to look for protein and albumin levels and a blood test to measure blood creatinine which is the build up of waste in your blood.